Well it's been a crazy few weeks with many a story to blog. I'm back to the same ol' same, working my Sunday shift and wasting time on the net. The good news is TODAY's MY BIRTHDAY!!! yeah. I actually made it to twenty three and haven't exploded, melted, been crushed, drowned, hanged, shot, mamed or generally harmed by myself or others in any directly apparent way. Cool. God knows I tried. lol. There will be a few blogs after this recounting some of my more recent efforts. And for now, the birthday blog.
Things that I have accomplished in the last year that I'm happy with:
(the order of events only reflects my warped perception and not any importance)
Ended a long term disfunctional relationship, a grew from the expierence. I love / have loved many people but this was the most intense. Almost two years. A big big step for me. Previous records we're at most 6 months. I learned a lot about myself and about how I deal with many relationship type situations. I think I have a better idea of the type of things that are important to me in a relationship and what things I thought were important but are actually just crap. lol. Baby steps.
Got a new car. I've been good and I've kept it clean and haven't jap'ed it out. I'm going to put my subs in but I already had them, they aren't a new purchase. Good job not spening money jake!
I've developed a very very green thumb. Insert pot joke here. In all actuallity I've discovered a hobby that gets me out side and relaxes me, not always an easy feat. I'm facinated w/ hydroponics and have been developing my own systems for a fraction of the price that they sell for on Ebay or at the hydroponics stores. I feel so handy when I make them and its a great way to learn about wires, plumbing etc.
I've held down the same job for a year and I'm not bored with it. I'm happy with my job, it's not something that I want to do forever but the flexibility and the money make it the most perfect college job I could think of. And i get to learn about cool cars with out getting greasy.
I joined and then became the president of NORML at UCSB. I've become a major player in the group and I'm helping develop and grow the organization. It took a few years of me playing with different campus organizations before I found one that I like. I like the people, and I like the cause. It's easy to get involved and I feel like I'm doing something good. In other clubs, greek organizations for example, I didn't always feel that connected to a cause. The goal was always got fucked up. Fun but not a focus in my life. Although there is a fair amount of substance use involved with the club, there is at the very least a cause to rally behind. What one does with the cause is up to the individual. I, being a person inclinded to take advantage of resources, have been trying to get our agenda passed and get as involved as I can. I have developed and begun implamenting a plan to do more community service and philanthropy, developed a system to grow the organization nationally, pushed for local legislation, and smoked a lot of the good stuff. When I leave, I plan on NORML being the largest club on campus, and taking lots of money from AS.
I've grown much closer to my family. This is a big deal to me. My brother an I have been talking more regularly, mom and I have been talkin lots more, and Dad and I rock out when ever possible. I've recently been lucky enough to have some new additions to the family. Step-mom Susan, her parents the Justice's, and Uncle Rod and Aunt Faye. All wonderful people and all welcomed additions to my life. It's so nice to feel like one is apart of something larger. And southern life suites me well.
I've started re-cultivating my love of politics. I've been activly contacting my legislatures and expressing my views. Specifically I've recieved letters back from Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein regarding the replacement of Sandra O'Conner to the supreme court. Although I'm cognative enough to know that my efforts may not amount to anything it does feel nice to be involved and I like being current on political happenings.
I'm constantly revamping my life plans, and I'm following through on most of them. I will be famous, exactly what capacity I'm not sure but I've been making myself available to and taking every oppertunity to advance this plan. I've been an actor in both plays, short films, and comercials, a model for artists and photographers, I've been developing my singing voice and trying to improve my chances of being "discovered." Workin hard to get what I want.
There are more things that I'm proud of accomplishing, these are just ones that jump to mind. I may or may not add to the list in the future.
Big plans for 23!!!
First and foremost I plan on graduating. It's been a long time comming. Some days I'm more ready than others, and I'm sure I'm going to have some emotional issues regarding it as the date gets closer but for now, I need to get this done. I am just postponing the inevitable and I'm ready to move on with my life. I've outgrown the college scene believe it or not. Time to take the next step.
I'm attempting to found a not for profit organization that will provide direcet disaster relief to college students from college students. Inspired by aid efforts surrounding hurricane Katrina, I want to help fellow college students. Who knows the needs of college students better than their peers. We (college students) have more to offer than we think and I've made it a personal goal to cultivate that knowlage and put it to good use. I think this is a great way to help those in need that will be in a good position to help in the future. I think college students are the core of future managment in the US and they will be an invaluable tool in the future. This is one more step to being well connected and making a difference. I will keep posting as things develop.
Make a decision about where I want to live after I graduate. Like so many of my goals for this next year it is very dependent on my graduating. I think graduating is a solid goal and realy everything else is excess, it's a lot to deal with. It will no doubt work it's self out well, but it's something I'm looking into.
I'm going to get a motorcycle and I'm learning to ride. I have a scooter and I'm trying to get it up and running. I've got friends that are going to teach me to ride and by 24 I will be rockin two wheels. With gas prices the way they are, and motorcycles being as cool as they are, I know this is going to happen soon.
Visit Matt in Taiwan and travel more. I need to get out of this damn country for a little perspective and I've been spending too much money on crap, it's time that i see the world.
I would like to continue to work on my weight and body. I know this sounds like a rediculous thing being as thin as I am, however, because of the career path I've decided to travel down this is and will always be an issue. My body is directly connected to my 'image'. I'm happy with myself but there are things that I could do to make myself more marketable and make myself more "attractive" by the industry standard. I would like to gain 10 lbs, and have more developed muscles in my upper body. Doable I just need to actually work on it. With dance being pretty much over I can focus on gaining w/o fighting the cadio daily. I would like to be a 32 waist and ripped by my next birthday.
Well, I think these are some healthy goals for the next year. I'm a firm believer in setting realalistic goals. Too many people set rediculous standards for them selves when it comes to New Years. I like to concentrate on the obtainable. Set real goals and follow through with them. These things will be done by my next birthday.