Friday, October 07, 2005

Missed connection vs. Casual encounter

Ok, I'm fessing up. Although most people peg me for an Exhibitionist, and out wardly I have that appearance, I have a voyeuristic steak a mile long. Nothing that would be contrived as illegal or obscene, well maybe obscene, but totally on the level. I like to people watch. Everywhere I go, I love just being a fly on the wall. Quietly observing human behavior. Taking notes of posture, hair style, make-up, facial expression, etc. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's an "artist" thing, maybe it's human nature, I don't know, all I know is that people are the most interesting subject I can think of at almost any given moment. I use my obsevations in dance, in my acting, in a variety of other situations. That brings me to my current obcession. Craigslist. I've been surffing it for some time now, and I usually find exciting buys, or free stuff, or jobs, lots and lots of random 'things'. My favorite though, is the personals. Specifically the "Casual Encounter" and "Missed connection" sub sections of them. Although they appear opposite, I feel the connection between the two is where the magic happens.
Hope. Hoping that somewhere, someone would like to have sex with you. It's brilliant. The C.E. is blantant, vulgar, raw. These are the people that are willing to admit what they want in life. Some ass. The M.C. portion is more subtle, but it's even more emotionally jarring than the grotesque overtly sexual nature of the C.E.

Those that write in the Missed Connections are also those that rent "She's all that," "Sleepless in Seattle," or "Waiting to Exhale." These people have consumed too many romantic comedys, too many trashy romance novels and too much Ben and Jerry's. They are not going to find what they want because they are shy, or because they are unwilling to be proactive. You need to talk to the people you want to date. You have to approach people, get their numbers etc. The odds of someone actually finding you on the Missed connections page is rediculous.

To be fair I shouldn't be so judgemental. I'm self aware enough to know that I hold out some shred of hope when I read these things. Not only do they make me feel better about myself, but I do have the deep seeded, hopeless romantic fueled desire for someone to have a missed connection with me. Someday I'll get on my computer and there will be prose about me. Something along the lines of:

"You were standing in front of me in line at Starbucks. Your long hair was pulled back with a blue hair tie. You ordered a venti vanilla latte and I asked you if it was good. You told me it was your 'usual' and that I'd enjoy it. I did. While you sleepily scanned the paper waiting for you coffee I secretly desired to rip your clothes off and do you on the floor of Starbucks. I hope you noticed me, I was the blond hair blue eyed one, I had a white top on. Can I buy you your regular next time?"

Ah hope, as they say, it floats, like the foam on my latte.

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